主讲嘉宾:林道谧 副教授
林道谧,中山大学管理学院副教授、现任《管理学季刊》编辑部主任,于北京大学光华管理学院获得管理学博士学位。研究兴趣主要包括国际创业和国际人才流动。主持并参与多项国家和省部级课题,并在Journal of International Business Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of World Business、《管理世界》、《管理学季刊》等发表多篇论文。
Knowledge transfer has been recognized as critical for returnee entrepreneurs’ success. However, the existing literature has predominantly addressed success based on theobjective dimensionsuch as innovation and growth, considering knowledge transfer the most important stimulus, and overlooked the subjective perspective, such as the self-perceived entrepreneurialbusinesssatisfaction whichmight not necessarily need knowledge transfer. Moreover, although research has demonstrated the impacts of network embeddedness and institutional environments on returnee entrepreneurship, the interdependences betweenoverseas advancedknowledge, network embeddedness, and institutional support have not been sufficiently explored. In this study, we take a holistic, configurational approach to understand the match among knowledge transfer, network embeddedness, and institutional environment. Using multi-value qualitative comparative analysis (mvQCA) and a unique sample of 212 returnee entrepreneurship cases, we identifythreetypes of returnee entrepreneurship – knowledge transferers, information brokers, and cultural assimilators leading to high entrepreneurialbusinesssatisfaction. We also demonstrate that both the presence and absence of knowledge transfer can be associated with high entrepreneurialbusinesssatisfaction when combined with specific focuses on network embeddedness and institutional environment, facilitating the understanding of the causal complexity of returnee entrepreneurship.