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The major of Information Management and Information Systems is one of the first nationally established Information Management majors. It began admitting undergraduate students in the same year it was founded in 1998 and has since seen more than 20 graduating classes. In 2009, the major was recognized as an advantageous and distinctive specialty in Chongqing, and it has now become a national first-class undergraduate program. Leveraging the advantages of interdisciplinary studies, the major focuses on the practical application of data science in the field of economic management.Adhering to the educational philosophy of "background in economic management, foundation in information management theory, central focus on information analysis, highlighting the characteristic of intelligent information analysis, relying on modern information technology and information systems, emphasizing informationized practice",the program aims to cultivate individuals with a modern foundation in economic management theory, strong capabilities in information collection and intelligent analysis, and skills in big data analysis. Graduates are equipped to work in various levels of government departments, business enterprises, financial institutions, and research units, specializing in information management, intelligent analysis, big data, and data science as high-quality, innovative professionals.

The major currently has fifteen full-time faculty members, including one national-level talent and one national-level young talent. The faculty has led over 20 national natural science and social science fund projects, including the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and has undertaken numerous research projects from enterprises and institutions. The main research areas of the faculty in this major include economic analysis of information systems, operation mechanism design, intelligent analysis of big data, intelligent forecasting and optimized decision-making, financial technology and risk management, complex system simulation, information management and knowledge management, and management innovation driven by big data and artificial intelligence.

